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Our full suite of data capabilities is designed to realise the true value of your data

We make your data transformation journey a success in 3 easy steps

A clear data strategy

We identify data opportunities that bring the most value to your company by a deep understanding of your business processes

Code on Laptop Computer

A well-managed data foundation

We build a scalable data foundation with retail best practices to support your adoption of AI / ML solutions

Financial Report

An intelligent data analytic, AI & ML solution

We seamlessly integrate analytic solutions into your business processes, minimising disruption while maximising business value

Anchor 1

Data Strategy

We build an end-to-end enterprise data strategy that links business goals with analytics solutions

Data & Analytics Gap Analysis

Identify data gaps and opportunities for improved analytics / AI and Machine Learning capabilities across the business to maximise data value

Generate analytics, AI/ML use cases

Use Case Generation

Formulate use cases from your business knowledge and decision logic to fully capture the potential of analytics, AI and Machine Learning solutions

Prioritise project initiatives

Data Roadmap Design

Create frameworks to prioritise projects, use cases and processes along the data transformation journey whilst allocating the optimal resources to improve project efficiency 

Build greater knowledge

Change Management

Enhance organisations’ understanding and adoption of AI and Machine Learning in business operations

Anchor 2

Data Foundation

We design data capturing, processing and consumption strategy and infrastructure to accelerate time to value

Construct and develop data infrastructure

Big Data Infrastructure & Architecture Design and Development

Design and develop data infrastructure, from integration, transformation to AI/ML model deployment, for IoT data, relational database, clickstream and files, utilising technology such as Hadoop, Spark, Kafka and Kubernetes

Form a unified view of customer data from dispersed channels

Multi-channel Data Integration and Stitching

Capture and stitch 1st-party data across websites, mobile apps, with other applications, and combine it with 2nd-party data from trusted data sources to construct a unified view of your customer across all possible channels

Formulate a data compliance strategy

Data Governance, Security & Metadata Management​

Design a tailored approach to enable region-specific data analytics while operating within the legal boundaries on governance, risk and compliance.

Anchor 3

Case Study

Collaborating at Work

Audience Selection

Girl with Shopping Bags

Next Purchase Prediction

Data Analytics, AI & ML

We integrate analytical solutions into day-to-day business processes with minimum disruption

Leverage unstructured data

Deep Learning-based Prediction

Deploy Deep Learning models to leverage unstructured data (images/text) combined with traditional structured data to garner insights, improve business operations and boost personalisation

Improve customer experience with big data

Machine Learning Prediction & Optimisation

Harness Machine Learning for projecting customer propensities and optimising customer segmentation using both internal and external data to unlock growth and value throughout a customer’s journey

Discover hidden business insights

Discovery & Diagnostic Analysis

Uncover signals, root causes and driving forces from your data to answer the toughest business questions and inform day-to-day decision-making processes

Find clarity in obscure data

Data Visualisation

Turn data into actionable insights utilising self-service business intelligence tools featuring strong drill-down capabilities

Improve operation process efficiency

Big Data Analytics Automation

Streamline and automate business processes and workflows with big data analytics, embedding insights and predictive models to seamlessly integrate into everyday business operations

Empower your retail business
with Beta Labs today

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